Æstetisk Salon

Æstetisk Salon  is a series of events hosted by Camille Roth and me. Æstetisk Salon was born out of the need to gather and share artistic projects and passions. We wanted to create a space for inspirational talks in a safe and open environment and to create a space for artists from different disciplines to meet, exchange knowledge and perhaps start up collaborative crossdisciplinary works.

We invited artists to show and/or tell about their work that is either finished or in process. In between the presentations, we had set off time to comment and give feedback. To each Æstetisk Salon, there wasa theme to which the artists must relate to and consider in their presentation. We have held more than ten different themes, among others fear, comedy, interaction – reaction, freedom, space, embodiment, alter ego, nothing. Æstetisk Salon took place in our private homes and a single time at Huset på Magstræde. Everybody was welcome and to participate in their own ways. People showed up and we served wine, beer and snacks during the evening.

Æstetisk Salon was in 2014-2018.


Past events and programs here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/aestetisksalon/events/?ref=page_internal